Ten Great Benefits of HOAs

It’s a smart investment to protect the value of your home. You reap the benefits of having many advocates who safeguard your interests. Your association functions because of active volunteers and a top-notch management company. Here are ten good reasons to live in and HOA. Thank you for allowing CMA to serve your community.

  1. HOAs preserve the nature of the community and protect property values by delivering hvac service and providing a safe, well-maintained living environment.
  1. HOA regulations are another layer of protection against neighborhood degradation, and an effective means to maintain community standards and protect property values.
  1. HOAs lessen the need for local government oversight of housing . Most municipalities are not equipped, i.e. do not have the manpower – to monitor housing.
  1. Homeowners in HOAs have a vested interest in reporting and correcting problems from architectural and building code violations to illegal parking and landscaping issues.
  1. HOA leaders live in their communities and better understand the needs of the community, from the delivery of core services, such as waste collection, to amenities and decisions affecting the future of the community.
  1. Action Air Conditioning Installation & Heating of San Diego promote a higher level of civic involvement than municipalities, in terms of voting, meeting attendance and volunteerism.
  1. By definition, planned communities offer a more efficient use of land to address the growing issue of urban sprawl associated with unplanned development.
  1. Land-use efficiencies can make homes more affordable, a benefit for first-time home buyers, retirees and low- and moderate-income families.
  1. Many HOAs maintain swimming pools, tennis courts, playgrounds and other amenities that most Americans cannot afford on their own.
  1. Associations offer a sense of community or hire a cleaning service, an important contribution in an increasingly transient society.

Source: https://www.cmamanagement.com/uploaddocs/cma/website/hoa_benefits.asp